
Innocent Sadiki And Her Family’s R3M Home is Destroyed By Fire

South Africans  Exposed  Her For Lying & Scamming Her Fans

Innocent Sadiki And Her Family’s R3M Home is Destroyed By Fire but South Africans  Exposed  Her For Lying & Scamming Her Fans

Innocent Sadiki And Her Family’s R3M Home is Destroyed By Fire
Innocent Sadiki And Her Family’s R3M Home is Destroyed By Fire

Inconsistencies In Her Story

After they spotted this from it, South Africans were disappointed by Innocent Sadiki’s burnt house.

The Sadikis lost everything when their home was gutted by a fire.
The Sadikis lost everything when their home was gutted by a fire. Image: Instagram/ Inno Sadiki

Innocent Sadiki, who’s widely known as Sthoko from Skeem Saamm has been making headlines recently after she lost her family home. According to the reports her house was valued at R3 million and it was located in 4 ways, Johannesburg.

After the incident happened, Innocent Sadiki (Sthoko) took it to Twitter to share with fans that she had lost her home. She also went to ask her followers to keep her and her family in their prayers during this time.

However, it appears that She’s getting the exact opposite of what she asked for from her followers as South Africans have been mocking her nonstop on Twitter. People haven’t shown any remorse to innocent Sadiki, as they have been accusing her of creating content with any tragic situation she has ever experienced.


Her Response After Asking For Help


Last night at around 19:00, I recorded this message. Not knowing that my family is about to experience a literal fire. Everything about this message was a preparation. God speaks! I just didn’t know it would be for us. Here we are in July declaring.

Let me take this time to thank our followers, friends and family for your support and kindness. We are literally starting from zero. The response has been overwhelming. We appreciate and love you. We managed to get pyjamas and toiletries for the kids thanks to our friends. Please keep praying for us. One day at a time.

Isaiah 43:2(NKJV)
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.


Video Of The House Burning



As videos of her burning house were trending some South Africans went to spot something which disappointed them or rather it didn’t impress them. South Africans went on to spot that her house had small window frames and it looks like an old house. With some people saying that her house doesn’t have corners and it looks like a church (Mosqoue)

Innocent Sadiki's Instagram story.
Innocent Sadiki’s Instagram story. Image: Instagram/ Innocent Sadiki

This made headlines on twitter as many people went on to troll her and some even went to the extent that they doubt if the house really has the value of R3 million. Some people went on to say that she’s too calm for someone who just lost her family home, so she’s lying that’s her church burning not a house.

The Headline- Her story

“From what we called our home we now have nothing. Our house burnt down today. Lord, you are still our God. We are shattered. We thank God none of us are injured. Pray for us please!” she captioned the post.

Innocent’s twin sister, Millicent Mashile, told TshisaLIVE the cause of the fire was still unknown and said Innocent’s husband, nanny and children were lucky to make it out in time as the fire had spread quickly.

“They are doing investigations. They live in a thatch roof house which is easy to catch fire. There was no explosion or fireplace on, nothing like that,” she said.

“There were no injuries. The kids were in the house with their father and nanny but there were no injuries. The kids started screaming because they saw smoke, which alerted their father and nanny to check. By the time we got there, everything was gone. Nothing was saved.”

Millicent said she would share bank account details on her social media platforms for people to assist as Innocent’s family has lost everything.

“The house was around R3m and the things inside were about R2m because as content creators we have a lot of expensive equipment. Roughly R5m was lost. They had literally just finished doing renovations in the kitchen and bought appliances. They did a lot of work on the house. It was starting to feel like a home and then this happened.”

Does She Actually Lived There? Social Media Users Expose Her

“A house with such window frames?🫣, “a tweet said.

“To be honest, I have been there before

That is their church. Maybe there were rooms for them inside the church, “another tweet added.

See how people reacted to this tweet below:



Joe is a Freelance web content writer who enjoys the process of Publishing. With the mix of creativity, while compiling the knowledge-based information online, his vast expertise in the subjects stems from in-depth research and knowledge, proving an added advantage and adding value to his writing. His main interests are Fitness, Sports, Movies, Technology, Health, Music, Books, and other things you can watch, read, or listen to.

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