
A Longer Video Of Sasko Driver And Co-Workers Who Were Robbed And Killed Yesterday Cape Town Finally Leaked

A Longer Video Of Sasko Driver And Co-Workers Who Were Robbed And Killed Yesterday Cape Town Finally Leaked

  • Dashcam Footage of Sasko Delivery Truck Robbery in Delft Leaks Online
  • Three employees driving a bread truck were shot and killed on Thursday.
  • The incident has left some in shock and raised concerns about the safety of workers in the industry.
  • The video that has been making rounds on social media shows three employees casually talking and laughing in the truck as they count money from their sales.

Dashcam footage of the recent Sasko delivery truck robbery in Delft has surfaced on social media, showing the terrifying moments that led to the tragic deaths of three employees in a brazen daytime attack.


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A Longer Video Of Sasko Driver And Co-Workers 


WATCH: Police investigating Cape Town bread truck shooting after murders caught on camera
One of the three employees survived the bread truck shooting

The footage reveals the harrowing moments experienced by the Sasko delivery workers, who were ambushed by armed gunmen on Thursday morning. The video, which quickly went viral, shows the robbers intercepting the truck at the corners of Symphony Way and Temprol in Suburban, Delft.

The Robbery

The attack occurred around 08:00, while the workers were conducting their usual rounds in a white Isuzu bread truck marked with the Sasko logo. Despite the employees’ compliance with the robbers’ demands, the gunmen ruthlessly killed two of the workers before fleeing with cellphones and an undisclosed amount of cash.


Police Investigation

  • According to Western Cape police (Saps), the three employees, whose identities have not been released, were driving a bread truck in Delft on the corner of Delft Main Road and Symphony Way, when they were shot. Two of them lost their lives in the shooting.
  • The motive behind the shooting is still unknown, and no suspects have been identified or arrested.
  • Sergeant Bilqis said the motive for the attack is still being investigated.

Joe is a Freelance web content writer who enjoys the process of Publishing. With the mix of creativity, while compiling the knowledge-based information online, his vast expertise in the subjects stems from in-depth research and knowledge, proving an added advantage and adding value to his writing. His main interests are Fitness, Sports, Movies, Technology, Health, Music, Books, and other things you can watch, read, or listen to.

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